Your Satisfaction Is Our Top Priority!You can request information by email or by phone at any time. We will be happy to answer you quickly. Communicate with our team directly : Luc Charland, President *protected email* Stephane Vaillancourt, Sales Coordinator *protected email* .David Théberge, Eng. Product development *protected email* .Louis-Rock Gagnon, Business Development *protected email* .Jeffrey Foraker, N.E. Sales Rep, USA *protected email* Postal address :165 Joseph-RobertsonSherbrooke, Quebec, J1L 2W7 CanadaOFF: 819-569-4207 FAX : 819-563-6883 TOLL FREE 844-569-4207 819-569-4207 USA – Warehouse address :395 Casewell AveDerby Line, VT 05830TOLL FREE 844-569-4207 Fill this form to contact our customer services :